Dr. Majbaul Alam

Dr. Majbaul Alam

  • Researcher, University of Southampton
  • Research Fellow

Dr Majbaul Alam is an experienced clean energy based off-grid electrification professional. Currently, a member of the Sustainable Energy Research Group, and a fellow at the Energy and Climate Change Division (ECCD), University of Southampton, UK. Obtained BSc and MSc in Marine Sciences, a second MSc in Marketing, and PhD in Renewable Energy Technology from DeMontfort University, UK. Possesses extensive work experience in the renewable energy sectors in Asia and Africa. Research areas and interests include, solar energy for off-grid electrification, energy access in global south, micro-generation for net zero, low carbon transitioning, energy efficiency, hydrogen from renewables, and energy security, energy-food-water nexus, inclusive growth. Authored several publications in leading scientific journals; delivered several research outcomes at international conferences.

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